Tuesday 27 April 2010

4-5 mile run

Firstly...Well done all for a fabulous run tonight, great preparation for all the events coming up.

Times and all that stuff....
4.35 miles
Linda and Jillian 49.29 Average Pace 11.24 minute mile

5 miles
Liz 42.18 Average pace 8.43 minute mile
Fee 42.23 AP 8.44
Kerry 42.59 AP 8.5
Alison and Ann 50.59 AP 10.1
Fiona 52.30 AP 10.46
Aly 53.10 AP 10.62

inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160


  1. Anyone fancying a three or so mile during the week contact Jillian as she is looking for some motivation and company!

  2. I'll contact Jillian tomorrow as Ann and I will be slotting in another run this week.
    As ever, thanks Fee for all the motivation and encouragement!

  3. Hey - methink we can knock off at least 1 minute to total run times for opening/closing gates?

