Tuesday 26 April 2011

White Rabbit run

This is on Sunday at 11am at Claonairigh with soup to follow....so far I have attending:-
inveraray Jogscotland :-Linda, Ann, Jacs, Kerry, Kirsten, Fiona, ?Liz, Toby and Garret
Jogscotland elsewhere and beyond! Four from Ormsary, Matt and Anna, David, Sharon and Samantha, ? Heather and a friend, Freya
Please let me know if you have any names to add or subtract.

Tuesdays session
A few hill reps followed by a very pleasant run out to Argyll Adventure (further for some...Kerry!) and back.

Kerry, Rosie, Fee, Fiona, Kirsten, Jacs, Janet..45.19 miles

inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7-8pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray Primary School during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session. 01499302160

Tuesday 19 April 2011

A small select group..

 A lovely run in the sun tonight revisiting the Carloonan Route for a bit of chat therapy...good stuff!!

Kerry,Linda, Fee, Jacs,   40.09 total mileage this year.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7-8pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray Primary School during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session. 01499302160

Sunday 17 April 2011

New Session

New session starts on Tuesday April 19th. Looking forward to seeing you all refreshed from your two weeks off....if you know anyone interested spread the word about the new group. Details below:-

Inveraray Jog Scotland is planning to start a Basic Beginners walk-to-run group over 6-8 wks on week starting May 9th. Furnace Mondays 6.30-7.15/7.30 Inveraray Thursdays 6-7pm Contact 01499 500641 or 01499 302160

There is also the "I'm Late I'm Late  White Easter Rabbit run"May 1st 11am Claonairigh

Choice of two routes ...trail 3 and 4 miles...Soup afterwards. All jogscotland members from Mid Argyll welcome. Hangers on participate fully at own risk. No marshals, no first Aid, no water. Please RSVP if interested so I know how much soup to make!

inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7-8pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray Primary School during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session. 01499302160

Crinan Puffer Race Report

Crinan Puffer today and after a sleepless-ish week the apprehension was rising and the vivid bad dreams abounded! However the day was PERFECT for running and the support amazing, every one who passed me (and there were many) had a kind motivating word to help me along. The marshals and spectators almost (almost) carried  us along  but the best moment was after we became convinced that we must have passed the 4 mile marker and where on earth was the 5 mile one ...and then we saw the 6 mile one! This does not often happen to me as I am usually anticipating each marker well in advance. Garret paced and coached magnificently and the only issue was a lack of energy which I can cope with. I was pleased with a 1:18 and managed to raise a fabulous £270 for The Mid Argyll Chemotherapy unit...I am not too sure what was happening at the front of the race but everyone seemed very happy. I can feel tea at The George coming on as a wee treat for all.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7-8pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray Primary School during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session. 01499302160

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Fund raising and training

I am now embarking on the training for my charity runs due to take place over the next few months or so. I am running for breast Cancer Care and the local chemotherapy unit in Lochgilphead. Both causes very close to my heart at present. The runs are :-
Hopefully I shall post on facebook etc to show the progression of my training...or lack of it! So far this week I managed the slow and steady 5 miles and then last night boot camp replaced a speed session. Quite undecided at present whether it is better to just slog out another long run or do some speed work in the rain..maybe I will have a cup of tea whilst I mull it over.....

Now the shameless begging!

To donate

inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7-8pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray Primary School during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session. 01499302160