Inveraray jogscotland members Rosie, Toby and Garret took part in Sunday's Triathlon on the Isle of Bute. Novice for Toby and Rosie, sprint distance for Garret. No room here for all the pictures but for anyone interested they can be seen here
The day started with a realisation from Garret that yet again he had not trained and was not really looking forward to the race. This had to have a lid kept on it so as to not infect the other competitors in the car. The event is like the Mid Argyll race..smallish and friendly with loads of locals giving it a go. There were quite a few from the MATCC which was great especially for Rosie in her first event. Her nerves kicked in with 15 minutes to go before she and Toby had to go and get ready to get in the pool. They both swam really well, Toby battling his way through and Rosie just steady away. Toby was off and out third and set off strongly on his cycle. Rosie soon followed with a good transition. The cycle was 5k with some strenuous hills but Toby was soon back and troubled by a rouge shoe lace. Freya and I re-positioned ourselves to get Rosie coming in from her cycle but a hand grabbed me as a frantic Toby sought the car keys to get a change of shoe having had to turn back on the run when the lace broke. He completed strongly and crossly having lost too much time to win. Rosie soon came in from her bike leg and with grim determination set out on a good stong run...she managed an excellent sprint finish and was soon recovered to finally get some luch at 3.30! oh...Garret did good too!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
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