Running is a versatile, social and cheap form of exercise that is available to most people whatever their initial level of fitness in most places. Expensive equipment is not necessary just reasonable footwear and if possible a hi vis vest for safety. You can run anywhere from the city streets to the hills and loch side. Training can be done all year round now with many runners using the street lighting to enable winter training. Running regularly will help strengthen and tone all muscles including that all important heart muscle. Not only do things improve for your cardiovascular system which reduces the risk of coronary and lung disease, you look and feel better too. Regular exercisers gain self confidence and laugh more! It gives you time out to yourself to appreciate the outdoors, especially if you live in a fantastic area as this.
Top Tips
• If in doubts about your level of health consult your doctor first
• Don’t run before you can walk! Start slow and steady. Judge your own levels of fitness ,a good way to get into regular running is to run (slowly) for a few minutes ( or even one minute if this is what you feel suits you) and then take a walking break for the same amount of time. Three to five minute intervals are good to start. You gradually reduce the walking interval until you can manage 30 minutes of continuous running.
• Run with a friend and or join a group. Local jogscotland (www.jogscotland.org.uk) groups are springing up all over Argyll so give it a go. This gives motivation and makes running the great social sport it is.
• Enter a race! There are plenty of local races/ fun event so keep a look out on appropriate web sites (www.midargyllcycleclub.co.uk ) and in the local press and take the plunge...it is good motivation and you will get to meet lots of fellow enthusiasts of all abilities/ages.
• Take it easy and listen to your body. As you improve the temptation is to push harder and this is when injuries can occur therefore up your weekly goals gradually and take your rest days. For the first 6 months training should be built up gradually.
• Use a training programme. These are available on the internet for all manners of ability and distances so get Googling!
• Have Fun!
There are some fantastic routes around Loch Fyne on well established and marked paths maintained by the forestry commission. Ardcastle is fantastic with great views and a variety of distances to choose from. There is a short run (3 miles) at Port Ann with a challenging hill, if hills are not your thing there are plenty of distances on offer along the Crinan Canal route from the full length of 9 miles one way or less depending on where you start. The paths at the back of Lochgilphead take us back to the hills and loch views with one route going from the golf course to Achnabrek. For the longer distance runner there is the Loch Glashan loop of ten miles. Inveraray has a variety of routes on offer too with flat runs on the Castle roads and hillier forest tracks above the town. Mixing exercise and pleasure can be combined by a run along Loch Fyne from Inveraray to Furnace and then a pub lunch. For the fell runners there is a steep sharp run up Dun na cuiche for a quick look at the view up and down Loch Fyne.
Local runs coming up
Kintyre Relay May 1st
Anthony Nolan 10k May 2nd (rhonabarnett@hotmail.com for details)
Inveraray Jail Break (Dun na cuiche) 6.5k May 9th (01499302160 for details)
Mull of Kintyre ½ marathon and 10k May 30th (www.mokrun.com)
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Hi Fiona
ReplyDeleteJust been reading your JogScotlandInverarayblog - excellent!
But I wonder if you know about the Kintyre Way Relay? see www.kintyrewayrelay.co.uk
It would be good if you could mention it in "Local runs coming up" A pity it's just the day before the Anthony Nolan 10k, but all these event calendars are so crowded these days!
If you like, I could send you some colour leaflets to hand around among your running contacts.
Anyway, probably see you at some of these events, sooner or later,
Rob Reid