Plans are to meet at 7pm, attempt something then go to George....or if needs must we miss out the attempt something bit...comments please! I know Jacs and Fiona are up for this, so are Rosie,Garret and I.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
The Ice Age continues....
Oh dear...yet another cancellation coming up!! According to my trusty spy the castle grounds are a no go ditto the car park. HOPEFULLY we will get to meet up next week and then repair for Christmas Cheer to the George!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160Monday, 6 December 2010
Tuesday 7th December
Looking unlikely that we can run tomorrow night stay safe and warm instead!! What about a wee informal visit to The George after the last js of the year? The 21st? Let me know your thoughts please.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Friday, 3 December 2010
Jingle Bells run postponed.
Although I knew that it was inevitable Liz and I walked the course for Sunday this am in the increasingly heavy snow to find the course impossibly icy and too dangerous to even walk and so the Jingle bells run will be postponed until conditions improve. Watch this space!!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 29 November 2010
Tuesday November 30th 2010
Due to the rather inclement weather I am cancelling tomorrow nights session, the chances that the pavements are runnable are slim I think! Re the jingle Bells run we are still planning t go ahead even if we have to walk it in wellies. Any donations of Christmas Fare will be gratefully received and shared out accordingly......
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Jingle bells preparation
Another run round the route today in slightly better conditions than last time to tweak the distances and stretch the old legs! Please let me know if you are planning to do this run so far I have Jacs, Ann (Ben), Kerry, Andy (Rowan and Finn), Rhona, Toby, Rosie, Garret, Alison, Fiona, Simone, Dinah and maybe a couple of others from Ormsary, Naomi from LGH js....
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Minus temperatures AGAIN!
A chilly little group tonight...well, to start with for the first five minutes warming up round the castle loop. Hill hopping was tonight's treat...and a treat in store for those unable to make it!! Watch this space.... we shall be repeating these!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Tonights session
Very well done on the sprints tonight pain no gain remember!! Nice run round the town too. Thanks
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Jingle Bells Route
As Thursday was so dire I went out on Friday to run round the planned Jingle bells route and the weather was....just as bad!! It is muddy and puddly so not your best crisp white trainers but it is very nice along the shore even when you cannot appreciate its full beauty because of driving rain and sleet.... honest!! Lollipop shaped route with the start very close to the finish...I shall have to do a bit of fine tuning with the position of start and finish but getting there!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
First really chilly one of the winter tonight with (I am sure) minus temperatures which kept us moving along with some sprints, pyramids and circuits to get those core muscles sorted!! Well done all who braved the cold dark starry skies!
PS If anyone knows a likely marshal or two for the 5th please let me know!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
PS If anyone knows a likely marshal or two for the 5th please let me know!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Tin Farm 5
For a change the skies were clear this morning which boded well for another good race at Ormsary over hills, along the shore and pounding the sand and cow fields! It was great to see Kerry again, and Liz and Fiona too joining the Corners at this event. Rosie was in her first adult race and feeling the nerves as the starting horn went. A couple of drips of icy rain came to nothing and although very cold along the first stretch the big hill warmed us up before we plunged into puddles and mud galore. Thoughtfully the organisers plunged us into a small fast flowing river to wash trainers before as we sped down the hill and towards a short beach stretch and then up a short rise to the finish. Liz triumphed as second female veteran, Toby came an excellent 6th over all and third male junior in a very hotly contested category, Rosie fought her was to first female junior with Mum as pacer and Garret finished 20th overall and 11th in category. Kerry was 5th in category and 36th overall (and she wasn't even trying!!)
- Toby 36.04
- Garret 41.11
- Kerry 45.24
- Liz 45.30
- Rosie 49.04
- Fee 49.05
- Fiona 59.04
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
How lucky were we!!
On a day of thunder, lightning, torrential rain, hail and the rest I think we were pretty lucky tonight! I was just out of Inveraray homeward bound when the heavens opened for the umpteenth time and drenched the roads...Lucky!! Well done everyone tonight lots of hard work right up to the end. The map below does not seem to fully capture those skips, step ups, squats and boxing....but you can definitely see the laps round the oval! Good work out!
Fiona...look after that sore calf!!! Good luck to everyone doing the TF5 on Sunday.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Fiona...look after that sore calf!!! Good luck to everyone doing the TF5 on Sunday.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Parlouf and The crucfix!
Well....we all survived! Well done all, nice to see you back Rhona! If you zoom right in on the map you can see the criss crossy bits!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
No rest for the wicked.....or the (should be) committed runner!!
A few new races to enter, the Loch Lomond one is this Sunday so you will need to be quick...bit pricey for me but you do get a post run BBQ! Entries are being sought early for The Deerstalker (5k and daylight) the Mighty Deerstalker( 10k and a bit and dark some of the way) and the hugely popular MOK run...if you do one run next year this is the one to choose (apart from the Dun na Cuiche that is!) .If you fancy moving up from a 10k to a half I can provide a programme tried and tested!!
Loch Lomond Spa 5/10k run
The Deerstalker/Mighty Deerstalker
Mull of Kintyre 10 and 1/2 marathon
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Loch Lomond Spa 5/10k run
The Deerstalker/Mighty Deerstalker
Mull of Kintyre 10 and 1/2 marathon
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Friday, 22 October 2010
Winter training
"inveraray jogscotland are starting a new 6 week programme to encourage new runners to run along side the existing training on Tuesday nights so anyone close at hand who wants to give it a go come along and join us next Tuesday or get in touch for more details. We are planning a Jingle Bells 5k run on December 5th to mark the end of the 6 weeks for all and any js members of any group in Argyll (or beyond!!)." so if you know any one interested drag them along!! Just to reassure all present members the training will continue at your level too!! Head torches will be a must now so bring one along if you have one otherwsie we shall provide! Hope your running came along nicely over the break... This is where I was running, best viewed with the hybrid map setting.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Last session for two weeks....
Hills prints and skipping...well done all!!! Away for two weeks now...back to normal 26th.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Tin Farm 5
Information from Kirsty, one of the Tin Farm 5 organisers. A great local race so get your forms filled in! Garret, Toby , Rosie and I have sent ours off. I have sent out the original e mail with the attachment or you can contact me for another one, will also bring some to js tonight.
Well it's that time of year again folks! The summer has fled, winter is on its way and we're all looking for something that will keep us motivated to get out train as the nights get darker and those runs become cold and wet. Well I have just the thing for you, November the 7th, make your way to Ormsary Estate for the 4th running of the Tin Farm 5. If you are interested in a 5 mile run through woodlands and over beaches then please send the attached entry form with you entry fee to me at the address below.
Dinah and I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Sir William and Lady Lithgow for their continued support of the event and allowing us to make use of their beautiful estate. Thanks also to Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm for sponsoring the event for a second year. We are delighted to have chooselife on board this year and all donations from the soup and sandwiches will go to RSABI (the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution).
We have 70 entries available for this years race so get your entry in early to avoid disappointment as there will be no entries on the day. We look forward to seeing you on the 7th November for a great days racing.
Happy Running
Kirsty and Dinah
Kirsty Young
PA31 8PE
T: 01880 770 330
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Dinah and I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Sir William and Lady Lithgow for their continued support of the event and allowing us to make use of their beautiful estate. Thanks also to Allt Dearg Community Wind Farm for sponsoring the event for a second year. We are delighted to have chooselife on board this year and all donations from the soup and sandwiches will go to RSABI (the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution).
We have 70 entries available for this years race so get your entry in early to avoid disappointment as there will be no entries on the day. We look forward to seeing you on the 7th November for a great days racing.
Happy Running
Kirsty and Dinah
Kirsty Young
PA31 8PE
T: 01880 770 330
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 4 October 2010
Marathon Man
Garret completed Inverness Marathon in 3.57....and is a happy bunny!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Marathon Day -1 for JS member Garret
It is Garret's big day tomorrow and the final preparations are over and done with..No, not last minute sprints or muscle stretching but the trimming of the beard and packing of multiple energy bars and drinks to sustain him through 26 plus miles (oh and a night in the car too...). Naomi arrived here snuffling full of cold and under the weather and so they set off Inverness bound at mid-day comforting each other with their various excuses for any possible this space! Plans are afoot for another Jingle Bells run..5th December time to be arranged, venue Caravan park. a 5k open to js members only. We are hoping to attract some new beginners and will be offering a start running course from October 26th. But don't worry...we will not be neglecting your training either!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Tonights session....and update.
Tough going on the old thighs tonight so well done Fiona, Jillian, Rosie, Jacs and all worked very hard...AND we did 3.5 miles! Next event for a js member is the big 40k for Garret next weekend in Inverness so lets hope the forecast high winds and rain have a chance to drift away before the big day! Good luck Garret! Next week will be the last session before the October break. We will be away for two weeks so the sessions will recommence on Tuesday October 26th.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 27 September 2010
Mid Argyll triathlon
Really well done to all who took part in the Triathlon yesterday. Poor Kerry had to withdraw at the last minute due to ill-heath but she did manage to get along and support us all, especially Andy. We have two winners in our midst with Liz (1:24:51)getting a very well deserved third Argyll female finisher (pipped to the post for second by mere seconds!!) and Toby (1:17:31)getting first Junior. Garret (1:17)achieved an ambition to once again beat his son in a race (has not happened for a wee while now) which he managed by 31 seconds (don't think it will happen next year though?!) and Fee bought up the rear for the inveraray jsers in 1:27:46.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Last nights session and good luck wishes....
Last nights route which does not do justice to the lunges, sprints and pyramids!! Well done all. Good luck to the participants in this Sundays Triathlon in Lochgilphead....Liz, Kerry, Toby, Garret...and one other whom I cannot quite remember just now.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Lucky, lucky, lucky!!!

Surprisingly given the driving rain, gale force winds and hail storms just before 7pm it was only the very brave, very foolish and/or very lucky that turned up for last nights session...not one drop of rain actually fell during the allotted hour and the wind temporarily dropped too! Fiona, Jillian and I sprinted, we squatted (in the nicest possible way), lunged, did pyramids and even did some running too! A hard won 3.27 miles was clocked up.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Couple of up and coming runs....
From Tarbet jogscotland
A couple of us from Tarbert jog scot are either walk/run or running the Kyles 10 miles.
Thought I'd send you details in case anyone is interested. They still have spaces. Possible pick-up & return from ferry at either side.
Goodie bags, BBQ - free burger for all runners/walkers, medal handed out from Les Piggot at finish line, & cups for first M, F & Jr runners over line.
Around 60 runners registered so far. Website in case you find anyone willing!!.....
Islay jogscotland
We have a couple of events in the next few months we thought your group might be interested in attending.
19/09/10 Family run day with an under 5's beach dash Under 12's maltings run and a 5km fun run all from Port Ellen
10/10/10 10km run
12/12/10 5km Angels and Shepards fun run
Should anyone fancy coming along then please let me know and we might be able to find a spare bed or a floor for a sleeping bag.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
A couple of us from Tarbert jog scot are either walk/run or running the Kyles 10 miles.
Thought I'd send you details in case anyone is interested. They still have spaces. Possible pick-up & return from ferry at either side.
Goodie bags, BBQ - free burger for all runners/walkers, medal handed out from Les Piggot at finish line, & cups for first M, F & Jr runners over line.
Around 60 runners registered so far. Website in case you find anyone willing!!.....
Islay jogscotland
We have a couple of events in the next few months we thought your group might be interested in attending.
19/09/10 Family run day with an under 5's beach dash Under 12's maltings run and a 5km fun run all from Port Ellen
10/10/10 10km run
12/12/10 5km Angels and Shepards fun run
Should anyone fancy coming along then please let me know and we might be able to find a spare bed or a floor for a sleeping bag.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Bits and Bobs and routes and stuff!
Firstly well done to John who finished the half marathon in Glasgow on Sunday in 1hr 56...Have a look at what Linda was up to recently acting as support team for a group of cyclists raising money for mountain rescue.
She was a driver this time (having completed the full distance herself earlier this year) – driving for an hour every 3 hours through the night which is a major challenge in itself. There were 8 riders who cycled in pairs relay style. They cycled 50miles (which took about 3 hours) and then got 9hours to recover before they had to do another 50miles. Find the pictures here.
Finally last night's route when we took advantage of possibly the last full session of light this year for a run out along Queen's Drive. Kerry, John and a guest runner pulled us along at a fair old pace and were all back in under the hour. Rosie and Fiona took the sensible way back and dispersal at the end was rapid due to the midges! Well done all!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
She was a driver this time (having completed the full distance herself earlier this year) – driving for an hour every 3 hours through the night which is a major challenge in itself. There were 8 riders who cycled in pairs relay style. They cycled 50miles (which took about 3 hours) and then got 9hours to recover before they had to do another 50miles. Find the pictures here.
Finally last night's route when we took advantage of possibly the last full session of light this year for a run out along Queen's Drive. Kerry, John and a guest runner pulled us along at a fair old pace and were all back in under the hour. Rosie and Fiona took the sensible way back and dispersal at the end was rapid due to the midges! Well done all!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 6 September 2010
Alisons race report...Major respect for finishing!!!
“Keep moving” was the motto of the day as Ann and I embarked on our trip to Glasgow for the Great Scottish Run 10K. After parking the car up at a location equidistant from the start and finish lines, we enjoyed a leisurely walk through the streets leading to the muster area at George Square.
The atmosphere was electric and everyone was brimming with enthusiasm. The weather conditions were perfect - not too warm or cool, light cloud keeping the sun from beating down and a wispy, refreshing breeze.
We were feeling slightly pleased with ourselves that our plans were fruitful - plenty of time to prepare and warm up, but not too long that we were hanging around cooling down again. We were prepared, we were raring to go, we were on time - everything was going to go well …
We crossed over the start line 7mins after the official start and the first kilometre passed fairly quickly, especially good since the hill was pretty steep for 300m. The 2nd kilometre was a mix of downhill and level, and a bending hill started off the 3rd kilometre onto the Kingston Bridge. Most will agree that this is one of the highlights of the route, running on a closed off section of the busiest part of the M8, crossing over the River Clyde with excellent city views either side. As the incline levelled off, I commented to Ann that I was feeling pretty good and that “things are going great, we’ll definitely beat our PB”. Ha, how soon I spoke. 200m into 4K I managed to fall, tripping over a loop of wire. Ann quickly scooped me up off the ground and over to the side as runners behind me tried to move out the way and carry on. My hands were stinging, my right knee was badly cut, my left knee was scraped and I was embarrassed. I told Ann to carry on and I’d catch up - how that was going to happen I do not know! She said no, she was staying with me - what a loyal friend. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact I had the car key and her means to get home!!
I assessed the damage (no major bleeding), rubbed my rapidly tightening right calf and made the decision to carry on - keep moving. I intended to finish - she wasn’t getting off that lightly!
Starting off with a gentle jog, we gradually increased the pace over 100m to run round the uphill bend and downhill off the bridge to the 4K marker. Pretty flat straight for the next kilometre, passing by Scotland Street School to the water station for a welcome drink and splash on the hands and knees to cool down. Round the corner gradual uphill for 400m and straight again to 6K. There was a First Aid point across the road from the 6K marker - did I need to go? Felt OK, pace was steady with no niggles and cut was drying up - keep moving. We worked out that our “out time” was about 3 minutes (after I suggested 10), so we agreed to take that off our actual finish time for a more realistic result.
It was nice to catch up on, and overtake, the many people who had passed by us at the cursed bridge. This was the boost I needed as 6-7K is always the hardest point in a 10K for me - you’re past halfway but you still have quite a bit to go. This is when we start playing the pushing game - run to the next bin, we’ll walk at the next hill etc. At 6.5K we decided that we would slow down to a walk (only our 2nd walk of the race) at the bin halfway up the approaching hill, only to be pleasantly surprised that the route went round a left corner before the hill. And the road round the corner was straight and flat. Keep moving. 7-9K seemed to go remarkably easy and quick (?), although the sun did threaten to ruin things just before the 8K mark by making a brief appearance. This was quickly followed by a light cloud and a cool breeze, which was very welcomed - many sighs of relief could be heard round about us.
About 300m after the 9K marker the route brings you back over the River Clyde (minus the stunning views). You know you’re nearly there, you can hear the crowds cheering in the park, the Radio Clyde commentary blasting through the speakers. This is where you slow down to catch your breath for the home run. 30seconds was all it took, plus, strangely enough, my leg hurt when I slowed down but was fine running. Keep moving, not long to go now. Although we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we weren’t going to beat PB this time, we still had to finish in a respectable time. And so entering the park, your legs want to go, you see the finish line and that clock with the time creeping up and up, every second counts. Approaching the last 100m, sprint, go on, do it, keep moving, keep moving.
Official finish time 1h2m51s; glad we finished. Thanks Ann - my best running partner.
The atmosphere was electric and everyone was brimming with enthusiasm. The weather conditions were perfect - not too warm or cool, light cloud keeping the sun from beating down and a wispy, refreshing breeze.
We were feeling slightly pleased with ourselves that our plans were fruitful - plenty of time to prepare and warm up, but not too long that we were hanging around cooling down again. We were prepared, we were raring to go, we were on time - everything was going to go well …
We crossed over the start line 7mins after the official start and the first kilometre passed fairly quickly, especially good since the hill was pretty steep for 300m. The 2nd kilometre was a mix of downhill and level, and a bending hill started off the 3rd kilometre onto the Kingston Bridge. Most will agree that this is one of the highlights of the route, running on a closed off section of the busiest part of the M8, crossing over the River Clyde with excellent city views either side. As the incline levelled off, I commented to Ann that I was feeling pretty good and that “things are going great, we’ll definitely beat our PB”. Ha, how soon I spoke. 200m into 4K I managed to fall, tripping over a loop of wire. Ann quickly scooped me up off the ground and over to the side as runners behind me tried to move out the way and carry on. My hands were stinging, my right knee was badly cut, my left knee was scraped and I was embarrassed. I told Ann to carry on and I’d catch up - how that was going to happen I do not know! She said no, she was staying with me - what a loyal friend. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact I had the car key and her means to get home!!
I assessed the damage (no major bleeding), rubbed my rapidly tightening right calf and made the decision to carry on - keep moving. I intended to finish - she wasn’t getting off that lightly!
Starting off with a gentle jog, we gradually increased the pace over 100m to run round the uphill bend and downhill off the bridge to the 4K marker. Pretty flat straight for the next kilometre, passing by Scotland Street School to the water station for a welcome drink and splash on the hands and knees to cool down. Round the corner gradual uphill for 400m and straight again to 6K. There was a First Aid point across the road from the 6K marker - did I need to go? Felt OK, pace was steady with no niggles and cut was drying up - keep moving. We worked out that our “out time” was about 3 minutes (after I suggested 10), so we agreed to take that off our actual finish time for a more realistic result.
It was nice to catch up on, and overtake, the many people who had passed by us at the cursed bridge. This was the boost I needed as 6-7K is always the hardest point in a 10K for me - you’re past halfway but you still have quite a bit to go. This is when we start playing the pushing game - run to the next bin, we’ll walk at the next hill etc. At 6.5K we decided that we would slow down to a walk (only our 2nd walk of the race) at the bin halfway up the approaching hill, only to be pleasantly surprised that the route went round a left corner before the hill. And the road round the corner was straight and flat. Keep moving. 7-9K seemed to go remarkably easy and quick (?), although the sun did threaten to ruin things just before the 8K mark by making a brief appearance. This was quickly followed by a light cloud and a cool breeze, which was very welcomed - many sighs of relief could be heard round about us.
About 300m after the 9K marker the route brings you back over the River Clyde (minus the stunning views). You know you’re nearly there, you can hear the crowds cheering in the park, the Radio Clyde commentary blasting through the speakers. This is where you slow down to catch your breath for the home run. 30seconds was all it took, plus, strangely enough, my leg hurt when I slowed down but was fine running. Keep moving, not long to go now. Although we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we weren’t going to beat PB this time, we still had to finish in a respectable time. And so entering the park, your legs want to go, you see the finish line and that clock with the time creeping up and up, every second counts. Approaching the last 100m, sprint, go on, do it, keep moving, keep moving.
Official finish time 1h2m51s; glad we finished. Thanks Ann - my best running partner.
Glasgow 10K

The pre and post picture tell their own story but we are eagerly awaiting Alison's race report for the full tale....Ann and Alison finished in a very respectable 1hr 2 minutes and 51s...Ann sacrificing their usual times to stay with her wounded running partner. Well done Girls, and well done to Kirsten too on a fabulous 54 minutes. Have posted her comments below. If any one knows how John did then let me know!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Tuesday 31st -summer mile trial
Well done to everyone who ran at Achnamara especially Kirsten who was first junior female and has now set herself a time to beat at Sunday's run. Good time trial last night with some great times set. I have put in brackets your best winter mile trial on the town course for comparison. what the times say to me is that maybe I need to re measure the town route again! Especial congratulations to Kerry and Toby for fastest female and male times.
Summer Time trial Route
Fee 7.31 (7.13)
Jacs 9.13 (9.50)
Fiona 9.13 (9.45)
Alison 8.42 (9.19)
Ann 8.14 (7.41)
Rosie 9.27 (-)
Linda 9.17 (9.03)
Kirsten 8.06 (-)
Kerry 7.24 (7.21)
John 6.25 (-)
Garret 6.40 (-)
Toby 5.45 (6.30)
Longer route
(Only slightly)Shorter Route
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Good luck to everyone running today at Achnamara...a good breezy bright day to keep the midges off!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
First session of the Autumn term...
Unfortunatley without all the sprinty things that the phone did not pick up but well done everyone...a nice first session. Very good luck to all taking part on Sunday.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Last tuesdays distances
The longer loop last week was 5.44 miles the slightly shorter one was 4.78...all in well under the hour so well done and see you next week!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Autumn Term Sessions
jogscotland inveraray are starting their Autumn term on Tuesday 24th August 2009. Meeting in the shelter shed in the primary school grounds at 7pm. Contact us first or just come along and join in with the group……..
All levels welcome.
For more information contact
Tel 01499 302160
All levels welcome.
For more information contact
Tel 01499 302160
Monday, 16 August 2010
Last summer run
See you there!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Ideas welcome
Any suggestions/ requests for the last Summer run??
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Last Nights well timed run
Well done to all who did this run, I really enjoyed it and boy did we time it well...not so sure how the fit ones that walked home got on though as the heavens opened and a cloud burst overhead cascaded to the ground!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Tuesday August 10th
This is the plan for Tuesday....a five miler so will need to start sharpish but a lovely run (aren't they all!?)
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Plans for the coming week...
Well done all on last weeks run...not so many midges as last time we did week I have planned the Carloonan look with a bit added on. Kirsten, Liz,Rosie, Garret and I did this on the 6th July.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Next week preview...
The three Amigos Fiona, Fee and Kirtsen tackled last weeks surprisingly dry run to the Caravan Park and back which was very pleasant! Next weeks plan is to repeat a run we did near the end of last terms session up at the back of the water station so all welcome!
Thursday, 15 July 2010
A dry run.....
Managing to find a dry hour this week was not easy but for my group nothing is too much trouble.....a pleasant 5 miles or so for some and a pleasant 3-4 miles for others...well done all!!!
Next weeks run....Games Day but I shall be there as usual.This is a bit longer at 6 miles so those who wish to get that in need to set off promptly then I thought others could turn when ready....If you do not wish to go through the Grassy field then some HiVis would be a good idea!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Next weeks run....Games Day but I shall be there as usual.This is a bit longer at 6 miles so those who wish to get that in need to set off promptly then I thought others could turn when ready....If you do not wish to go through the Grassy field then some HiVis would be a good idea!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Proposed route for the 13th....
A five or so mile route but with plenty of options for a quicker way back if anyone wants to cut it shorter. We will go from the school to Chalmers court and then to the Tennis courts to the back road, along to the golf course and into the grassy sheep field (long leggings may be needed of you are worried about ticks...). Up the hill after the wee house and along the top road to back to the water works and along upper Ave. across the A814 onto the Estate. Down to Maltlands bridge and over heading up the trail to Dun na Cuiche and straight through that field and onto the sweetie run track. Right turn to bring up to the Aray Bridge, the castle and then back to the school.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Tuesday July 6th
With the rain belting down we ditched the short run and ploughed off through the puddles towards carloonan for a 4.5- miles run. Kirsten came along to keep Rosie, Garret, Liz and me company and despite the foul weather it was judged a good run!
MapMyRun - View Workout Details
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
MapMyRun - View Workout Details
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Members endeavors at the Luss games
So anyone else up to any sporting daring do over the holidays?? js members Toby, Rosie and Garret Corner took part in the Luss Games in some dodgy weather but great cash incentives!!
Toby preparing for the serious race of the day...the Kilted dash
Toby not permitted to shelter his spikes from a quick shower
Garret taking on the Obstacle Course
Corner dominated 600m
Ready for the off in the Fell Race mark 2

inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Toby preparing for the serious race of the day...the Kilted dash
Toby not permitted to shelter his spikes from a quick shower
Garret taking on the Obstacle Course
Corner dominated 600m
Ready for the off in the Fell Race mark 2
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Routes for the 6th.....
Route one
Onto the Estate
To Maltlands
turn right over the Bridge
to the next bridge before Carloonan
Turn left over bridge
along river and past the wee summer house
turn right over bridge
then go immediately left
run along the track until a gate and house on the right
turn round and return through the farm yard
take turning to take you over Aray bridge and back
Route Two
The same as above until the bridge after the summer house...take a right and return through the farm/Aray Bridge etc etc
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Onto the Estate
To Maltlands
turn right over the Bridge
to the next bridge before Carloonan
Turn left over bridge
along river and past the wee summer house
turn right over bridge
then go immediately left
run along the track until a gate and house on the right
turn round and return through the farm yard
take turning to take you over Aray bridge and back
Route Two
The same as above until the bridge after the summer house...take a right and return through the farm/Aray Bridge etc etc
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
End of year session.

Well done to all last night who braved the midges in an end of year session which saw a tight run battle between Team A Rosie, Garret, Ann and Liz and Team B Kerry, Toby,Jacs and Jillian which team A just took right at the end...followed by a wee run round the castle ground to shake the midges free and chocolate back at the School and a very nice surprise for me! thank you so very are such a supportive group and I appreciate the pressies (and card) so very much...have fun over the holidays, don't forget to strap your trainers on from time to time ( you don't actually have to run obviously). Over the summer we are meeting at the same time etc for a run each week, no training and I shall try to e mail through a route each week...happy running!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
The Awards ceremony.....oh and a little run first......
Hope all the legs that took part last night are in full working order this morning. Thank you for a great run and great company last night. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did (despite the wait for the mains!). Group on as usual next week and then I will post runs here for the summer holiday months.
Good Luck to Kerry for the Islay Tri at the weekend.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Plans came good...
Really enjoyed the run tonight despite the midges best intentions..well done all for a good run out in the wilds...Linda, hope you are feeling a bit easier now...we expect those heels tomorrow!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 14 June 2010
Plans for Tuesday night
I thought that we would have a straight run tomorrow night with two routes on offer. One is a fairly basic 3.4 mile run along the avenue to the golf course, through the green field and then back along the top to the water works, then to the main road and across to the estate, up to cherry park offices along to the main castle road and then back to the school. the second route is a bit longer at 4.79 on a different route above the town. We go along the side of the golf course, along the side of the water works and then up a steady incline to Queens drive which takes us along to the main Dalmally road and into the castle grounds. We will then return via the police houses and then Barn Park and back to the school. if you would have a look at both routes and maybe have an idea of which one you fancy so we can set off smartish tomorrow night.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
sprints (for a change) and hills
Well...we just about beat the midges as long as we kept on the move! Six of us tackled fartleck sprints and then the hill sprints, not steep enough for Linda so I shall be on the look out for a steeper slope.....
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Route for the 22nd
Start 6.30
Meet at Car park near the Quarry
Finish 7.62 miles later at The George!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Meet at Car park near the Quarry
Finish 7.62 miles later at The George!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
(Nearly) End of session run 22nd June
Event still taking place starting at Furnace at 18.30 on 22nd June...Table at The George booked now as of today. Definites I have are Alison, Ann, Fiona, Liz, Kerry, Jillian, Linda, Garret, Fee, Jacs and Toby. TransServe still say they will let folk through after 9pm although there may be a wait involved. PLEASE let me know if you wish to come...the more the merrier as I have to update The George!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Parlouf and The crucfix!

Well done all tonight..depleted by sickness, exams and the community council meeting 7 of us took off for a parlouf and crucifix session in the castle car park splendidly renovated specially for our use! After a few rounds of this we had a pleasant run along to the sweetie seat and beyond. The map is a guess as the phone decided to sulk when I disturbed it to take the photo and also I took it off for the sprints so we did more than is shown.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Fees race report for Campbeltown...others welcome!!
"They thinks its all is now!!"
Finally the day arrived (several wakenings in the night before and fearful stomach tightenings in total fear...why does this still happen?!!) with a slightly overcast sky but cool and looking good for a wee 13.5 mile run around and about Campbeltown and Macrahanish. Early start to get Matt at Blue rock cottages at 8am, we knew we were okay for time as we sailed past Liz's house and spotted the car still in the drive. An hour or so later and we are all registering for our various events...this is fantastic! Freya and Rosie old hands in the 2k fun run and Toby registering for the first time for a chip and a place in the 10k. Garret and I shuffled along to the half registration and then sat in the car debating toilet timings with Matt until just after ten. Leaving the warmth of the car I met up with Liz and settled the toilet question by heading off for one last time.....The mass walk to the start came very soon, it is great now here are so many faces we know, Toby teamed up with a friend and soon we were crowded into the start area breathing in the heady fumes of deep heat. The girls were duly positioned for photos and we were off!! Garret told us our pace according to Gamin and soon strode off, Toby had already gone and peeled off onto the 10k route for a 44 minute run. Meanwhile Liz and I took the first mile in 8.08...who needs a Gamin when you can do tables......The second mile was just over 16 so all good for the 8+ minute miles and the road steadily inclines until the 3 mile mark. I pulled out to overtake another runner just before three miles and realised Liz and her niggly knee were no longer there....trying to remember the beat of the 8 minute mile until the dunes...passed the Police Car leading the leaders (not as it sounds as they did not take the car onto the dunes and so were waiting for him....just before I got to the dunes he passed me sprinting out for home with 6 and a half miles to go. The dunes are a challenge and my pace slowed a lot losing 4 minutes over all by the time I got to that 7 mile mark myself ( I have been hanging out with the Gamin boys too long). The beach is hard but great as you see lots of folks at the double back halfway point. All the Mid Argyll males including Garret who nearly failed to recognise me....The wind that had up till now had been in our faces was now behind and un-felt apart from by the absence of, hot, hot. A friendly voice behind encouraged me up and over the dunes and to my surprise I felt quite strong for the next couple of miles, this despite a realisation that Liz was gaining on me and as I passed marshals who knew us I could hear her cheery response...She could still speak!!!! Miles 9-11 were a nightmare of heat, blister recognition and pounding feet on roads but I did manage to keep a Bellahouston road runner in my sights and even did some over taking. I missed the 11 mile marker so that section was quite long!! Into the town and again missed the 13 mile mark but did spot the 9k from the other race....time to speed up legs? no, really time to speed up!!! The crowds were really supportive and shouting all the way in....unfortunately it was for someone called Moira just behind and then in front of me going through the finish...HOWEVER there were a few shouts for "Fee" "Fiona" and best of all "Mum" which is just the greatest sound and I was over that line and home...blisters and all! Result 1.52.44 and 7th in my category so 180.79 miles of training later...result!!!
Toby 44.11 category position 6th 10k
Fiona Mc 1.01.39 cat position 36th 10k
Garret 1.45.05 cat position 15th half
Liz 1.54.09 cat position 9th half
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Tonights session
Lovely gentle run in the sun and a friendly breeze tonight, thank you everyone. Lovely until I got home that is and found ALL the pigs excavating the garden.......but that is another story! the general consensus re the end of session run is to leave it the week that we planned (22/June) despite the road closures....the time will be 6.30pm now not 6pm. The numbers I have so far are...Toby, Fee, Garret, Fiona M, Jacs, Linda, Ann, Alison, Kerry, Liz...? Please let me know if your name is not there and you are coming so I can book The George also definites for children that may tag along ditto for numbers.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Timed miles (not a trial...well, not a time trial anyway)
Trying to get our legs to a pace tonight we did a mile measured pace followed by another one after a wee rest and a chat and a laugh at the springy lambs!Plans for a 7.5 mile run from Furnace to Inveraray generally approved of but please let me know numbers so I can chat to the George re a booking.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Friday, 14 May 2010
Jail break official results in full
Scottish Hill runners site Choose the race from the drop down menu.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
May 11th.
A somewhat depleted group (due to the school meeting) shivered in the shed tonight during a hail storm but the compact and united group still set off for a four mile run with "short bursts" as they say in the training programmes! The four miles turned out to be slightly longer (didn't account for the short bursts!)and still home in under the hour so well done!!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Race report from Alison

After an extremely early start, and an hour of Ann and I hanging around in the muster areas in the south side of Glasgow, the Ignis Management Woman's 10k started with a lively warm-up session at 9.30am. As loud up-beat music boomed out from the Radio Clyde stand at the start line, thousands of women followed the instructions of the fitness instructors on the strategically placed podiums in a 15 minute aerobic/stretch routine in preparation of the race.
The race began at 10am prompt, where the elite runners (in white) were first off the mark, followed by the purple group 2 minutes later. Our group, yellow (and the second largest group) began to cross over the start line at the 5 minute mark.
Pounding through the wide streets and avenues allowed plenty of space to allow for setting a personal pace without too much dodging from others. With no long straights, only a few slight inclines and declines and plenty of supporters in the sidelines, the first few kilometres of the route made pleasant conditions, and we managed to complete each kilometre in approx 5 mins. We managed to run a whole 7km before any significant struggles apeared.
Round about 6.5km, the route took a turn through the entrance to Pollok Park where the road became a path a third of the width of the roads. It became harder to stick to your own pace as personal space became more of an issue as others in front slowed down and faster runners overtook from behind. Around 7km there was a steep incline which we managed to run up with a bit of difficulty, but determination prevailed. After a short flat gave time to recover, turning round a bend revealed the real bone of contention - a very steep hill, trees either side closing us in and no end in sight. This hill was about 0.5km long with a bend halfway leading the first-timers into a false sense of security. Having done this run before, I knew what lay ahead, but didn't say too much to Ann who was enthusiastic as ever. However, mind over matter took over, and as I struggled to keep the momentum and motivation going, I had to admit defeat and broke the run into a walk. Although I had to give up, I insisted that my buddy carry on but she stayed with me (thank you). In 20 seconds, recovery was done and the remainder of the hill was tackled. Knowing that sub 1 time was running out, we allowed the downhill from the 8km mark to speed us to the park exit and back to the wider roads. The 8-9km seemed the longest part of the run, and the sun had come out by that point (as if we weren't hot and sweaty enough).
Turning into the boulevard to see the markers of the finish line was a welcome sight, albeit that the "homerun" was still a good 400m away. As we neared we could see the clock counting through the seconds toward 1h05m. We knew it was still viable to get a sub 1 time, and as we pounded along, gradually getting faster we decided at 1:04:46 that we needed to sprint and where we'd start. Keeping the eyes firmly on the clock, ignorant to everything else around, sprint commenced at 1:04:53, crossing the line at 1:05:05 and completely unsure whether we made it over or under the hour!!
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
Monday, 10 May 2010
Glasgow womens 10k and Inveraray Jail break

Well done to all who were performing in some way over the weekend be it running or marshalling. Ann and Alison smashed their previous PBs in the 10k in Glasgow coming in a sub hour time...those sprints do work! Ann managed over the finish line a full second ahead of Alison...what were you hanging about for Alison?
Alison- 59m57s Ann - 59m56s
next challenge sub 1.50??
Other jogscotland members were busy on Sunday with the second Inveraray Jail break. Jacs, Fiona, Rhona and Rosie sacrificed their own chance to attack the hill and took on the hi vis mantle of marshals/time keepers. Kerry, Garret, Toby, Fee, Liz and honorary member Freya took up the gauntlet and RAN that hill. Below is the official race report but here is the less formal one
Liz overall position 25 Time 40.00 category position 2FV
Fiona " =26 " 40.07 " 3FV
Toby " 7 " 32.24 " 2MJ
Kerry " 29 " 42.41 " 4FS
Garret " 11 " 34.56 " 6MV
Freya " =26 " 40.07 " 1FJ
jogscotland website report.
The weather was perfect for the second Inveraray Jail break run slightly cloudy, cool at the start and no midges to bother the marshals. Thirty four runners from near and far set off from the town centre at 11 am prompt to the clang of the gaolers bell for the climb up to Dun na Cuiche, the watch tower above Inveraray. The lead was hotly contested through the castle grounds by the males with juniors jostling with the vets and seniors. The crowd thinned out as the steep climb took hold and by the time the summit was reached the result was decided as Philip Price reached the top ahead of all others. No time to look at the view as hot on his heels came the others including David McAlister eventual male junior winner (31.22). Philip crossed the finish line in 29.06 closely followed by Crispin Walsh (29.29 2nd MS) and Alan Smith (29.55 1st MV) with Samuel Way ( 32.05 2nd MV) not far behind. Second junior local Toby Corner came next (32.24). David Duncan (32.18 3rd MV) and Emma O’Shea (32.34 1st FS) showing her experience along with Jonathan Weir (35.06 3rd MS) were swift to circumnavigate the watch tower and begin the fast descent. The women’s race started to hot up now with the fastest ladies battling it out. After Emma came Lizzie Rose (36.57 2nd FS) and Ormsary jogscotland’s Dinah Bosomworth (37.20 1st FV)). The local support for this event was fantastic with Minard’s Liz Feeney (2nd FV) reaching the finish line in 40.00 ahead of mother and daughter Fee (3rd FV) and Freya Corner (1st junior female) chasing her 7 seconds later. Fellow jogscotland member Naomi Dixon made 3rd FS in 40.55. The rest of the field followed fast pulled along by Pipers Eoghan Anderson and David Proven standing on the Aray Bridge, a perfect setting. The race organisers are very grateful to Argyll Estates for allowing the race to take place, especially Marcus Van Stone and to Inveraray Jail for their sponsorship and fantastic prizes. Kathy and David Owen from Londis donated water and bananas for the finish line, Inveraray branch of the Edinburgh Woollen Mill and Loch Fyne Whiskies gave spot prizes. Shannon from Argyll adventure obliged for the second year running with large amounts of fabulous tablet which was much appreciated. Fiona and Bill Nelson provided first aid cover. Above all the marshals did a great job and without whom none of the above would have been possible. Many thanks to John Patrick for his photos and support.
inveraray jogscotland meets every Tuesday 7pm at the shelter shed at Inveraray primary school during term time. All levels of runner welcome. £1/session 01499 302160
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